Wednesday, September 2, 2020

GPA Chart Conversion to 4.0 Scale

GPA Chart Conversion to 4.0 Scale SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Is it accurate to say that you are searching for a simple method to see exactly how your last class grades become GPA decimals? Provided that this is true, at that point you've gone to the correct article. In only two basic diagrams, I'll give you how this transformation functions for both a weighted and unweighted GPA. Why Are Grades Converted to a 4.0 Scale? Ordinarily the evaluations you get in secondary school are either letters or percents, yet on your transcript that number will be changed over into a GPA. The GPA is a speedy, supportive path for a school affirmations officials to get a feeling of your abilities, knowledge, and eagerness to challenge yourself. Also, seeing one number beats experiencing each person’s transcript grade by grade, for a great many candidates! Universities ordinarily utilize a 4.0 GPA scale so all GPAs are normalized. As opposed to attempting to analyze a lot of letter evaluations, rates, or diverse GPA scoring scales, schools convert every one of those scores to the 4.0 scale. That makes it simple to precisely analyze the evaluations of understudies from everywhere throughout the nation and world. /<![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); /]]> For instance, say one understudy went to a school that utilizations letter grades on transcripts, another went to a school that utilizes rates, and a third uses the 4.0 scale. Looking at, express an A-normal to a 93% normal to a 3.5 GPA is considerably more troublesome than changing over the evaluations and rates to the 4.0 scale and having three numbers that are effectively practically identical. Experiencing grades individually: presumably like arranging these noodles arranged by tallness and width. The Unweighted GPA Conversion Chart Most secondary schools will change over the entirety of your last grades into a scale going from 0.0 to 4.0. This unweighted GPA scale treats your evaluations the equivalent, regardless of whether they originate from Standard, Honors, or AP/IB classes. Here’s how unweighted grades convert: Letter Grade Percentile Standard GPA A+ 97-100 4.0 A 93-96 4.0 A- 90-92 3.7 B+ 87-89 3.3 B 83-86 3.0 B- 80-82 2.7 C+ 77-79 2.3 C 73-76 2.0 C- 70-72 1.7 D+ 67-69 1.3 D 65-66 1.0 F Underneath 65 0.0 Need to manufacture the most ideal school application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best confirmations counseling administration. We join world-class confirmations advocates with our information driven, restrictive affirmations systems. We've managed a large number of understudies get into their top decision schools, from state universities to the Ivy League. We recognize what sorts of understudies schools need to concede. We need to get you admitted to your fantasy schools. Get familiar with PrepScholar Admissions to augment your opportunity of getting in. /<![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); /]]> Yet, my AP apples were path harder than your Honors oranges! The Weighted GPA Conversion Chart Numerous schools likewise compute a weighted GPA, winding up with a scale that ranges from 0.0 to 5.0. The weighted GPA attempts to represent the way that diverse level classes have various degrees of trouble. The manner in which this scale separates among harder and simpler classes is by including .5 to Honors and adding 1 to AP grades. This would mean a B in an AP class is equivalent to An out of a customary level class for your GPA. Here’s how weighted evaluations convert: Letter Grade Percentile Praises GPA AP/IB GPA A+ 97-100 4.5 5.0 A 93-96 4.5 5.0 A- 90-92 4.2 4.7 B+ 87-89 3.8 4.3 B 83-86 3.5 4.0 B- 80-82 3.2 3.7 C+ 77-79 2.8 3.3 C 73-76 2.5 3.0 C- 70-72 2.2 2.7 D+ 67-69 1.8 2.3 D 65-66 1.5 2.0 F Beneath 65 0.0 0.0 We're simply glad weighted GPA doesn't require real loads. Does your school report your GPA as weighted or unweighted? What might your GPA be, considered on a 4.0, 5.0, or 6.0 scale? Utilize our device to ascertain your unweighted and weighted GPA to make sense of how you stack facing other school candidates. You'll likewise get our exclusive school center GPA figuring and counsel on where to improve to be a superior school candidate. /<![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); /]]> What’s Next? Prepared to utilize these numbers to compute your GPA? Look at how to compute your unweighted GPA and yourweighted GPA. On the off chance that you’re inquisitive whether universities take a gander at your weighted or unweighted secondary school GPA, at that point look at our guide on weight versus unweighted GPAs. Stressed over what your changed over GPA implies? We investigate what’s a decent GPA, what’s a terrible GPA, and what schools think. Prepared to work, work, work to understand that GPA Up?we have four systems for raising your GPA quick, and how to keep your GPA high over your entire secondary school profession. Need to improve your SAT score by 160 or your ACT score by 4 points?We've composed a guide for each test about the main 5 methodologies you should use to have a taken shots at improving your score. Download it with the expectation of complimentary at this point: /<![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); /]]>

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Guidelines For Annotated Bibliography

Guidelines For Annotated BibliographyAnnotated Bibliography is a kind of required citation document. It can be used to explain the context of a document, what and why and how it was obtained. It should also explain who can take responsibility for it and also where it came from. It should also be accompanied by an index or table of contents.You have to ensure that the annotated bibliography is organized well. It is very important to have all the names and places clearly identified in an alphabetical format so as to aid searching. This will help to increase the content of the bibliography so that you can do a full-text search on the internet.The presence of this type of bibliography is mandatory when it comes to documentation, especially when it relates to hiring, contracting, research, legal, etc. A really good annotated bibliography will be in a format that can be easily reviewed and revised. The sections of the bibliography should contain all the names and addresses of the authors o f the document along with the dates of publication. The format should be easily recognizable.The bibliography should be filled up to date. You can do this by reviewing it periodically. It can also be updated by means of locating the latest edition of the bibliography. This way you can be assured that the annotations you make are correct.You should always ensure that the annotations in the annotated bibliography are accurate. The best annotation is one that you make on your own. It can be a trial run before you write your own annotation. This way you can be sure that the information is correct.The bibliography is also referred to as the master file. This is something that is created for reference purposes and should be kept up to date. It is in fact a supplementary document to the text. An annotated bibliography provides information regarding the author, date of publication, where the text was published, affiliation of the author, date of entry in the bibliography, citations and the sources used in preparing the text.An annotated bibliography is also needed for obtaining further details about the document. If you are not satisfied with the accuracy of the notes you have created for your own reference, you can always ask for the help of the publisher. They will be more than willing to give you some pointers. A person who has not done any research, writing and editing on their own can never hope to get as much information from this type of bibliography as they can.All annotations should be written in accordance with the guidelines mentioned in the annotated bibliography. You should always bear in mind that your annotations should not be redundant. The annotations should not refer to the same sources, facts or sources. An example of this is a footnote that mentions the 'Ray Bradbury and Frank Kermode' when in fact the two names are different. The annotations should be clearly identifiable and appropriate to the annotated bibliography.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Teaching Stolen Generation of Students

Question: Examine about theTeachingfor Stolen Generation of Students. Answer: Presentation Educating is for sure a multifaceted calling. The job of an educator is never only limited to the obligation of showing sections of a book, and adjusting the appropriate response sheets of an understudy, as an instructor is additionally endowed with the obligation of administering the general mental prosperity of the understudies. This issue of caring for the enthusiastic prosperity of the understudies turns out to be doubly significant while managing the Aboriginal understudies whose social foundation needs additional affectability on part of the instructors, for understanding their extraordinary prerequisites. The Aboriginals have a horrible history previously, and the Stolen Generation of understudies still today experience the ill effects of hopeless agonies, of being deceived and minimized for times. While a large number of the Aboriginal understudies can't appropriately articulate an English word, others being prevented the essential rights from claiming training for a drawn out time, have lost the certainty to progress admirably. In such a circumstance, it is the obligation of an instructor to offer uncommon regard for the understudies of the Torres and Strait Island (Amiruddin Zainuddin, 2015). An instructor will likewise need to change their homeroom the board style in like manner. Despite the fact that the definitive style can end up being valuable for the conventional understudies, the equivalent may end up being an excessive amount of prohibitive for understudies like Haran. An educator, while training the other area of the general public is relied upon to draw in and include all the more effectively with the understudies, regardless of whether that suggests an unstructured study hall. The selection of the fair style of homeroom the executives empowers an educator comprehend the circumstance of an understudy, requiring unique consideration, offering him moral help as and when required, and let him prevail in life by motivating, as opposed to forcing pressure on his shoulders (Perso Hayward, 2015). Allegorically, the job of an educator resembles that of a mother bear who tries to ensure the fledglings, that is the understudies, in the cavern, that again is compared to a study hall. Educating and parenthood will undoubtedly cover and advance one another, to make one a fruitful educator. An instructor is that unparalleled individual in a study hall who is more established than the rest, and is thusly expected to be increasingly full grown (Burden Byrd, 2015). With age and development comes obligation, and the duty of an educator is to lead, control and inspire the understudies like a bear mother, who shows her kids to move the correct way, and investigate the various corners of a cavern (Price, 2015). Then again, the more youthful understudies resemble the little offspring, meandering carelessly in a study hall, having no feeling of direction and it is just with the assistance of the direction of the mother bear, can they effectively be guided, rather than getting lost. Allegoric ally, the connection between an understudy and an educator is that of a youngster and a mother. Much the same as a delicate bear mother supports its youngster in a cavern, with the goal that its bears whelps don't lose all sense of direction in the cavern, or get in a tough situation while leaving the cavern, an instructor sustains its understudies, make them solid, training them in the cavern like homeroom to prepare them for the greater world (McDonald, 2013). In the given contextual analysis of Haran, it has been seen that the poor multi year old Aboriginal kid, needs to do considerably more than his depute dean can fathom. The kid not just monetarily assists his with mothering by sharing her remaining burden of interpretation, yet the youngster needed to care for her mom experiencing sadness, before he came to class. A progressively sympathetic disposition was required on part of an instructor, and what Haran got in actuality was an unforgiving token of the school codes of coming early and wearing a tie, and this irritated the circumstance, making the kid forceful (Cheng, 2014). The supporting and social change model of instructing is a significant idea that has is significant here. A mother bear doesn't toss his whelp for going the incorrect path in the cavern, but instead shows him with tolerance. An educator ought not simply chide an understudy, but instead comprehend that he originates from an alternate foundation, that makes him ext raordinary, and ought to expand love, backing and care for his prosperity (Tadesse Gillies, 2015). The instructor ought to have been increasingly merciful and sympathetic towards the understudy thinking about his experience, and ought to have enquired with a considerate, gentle tone about the explanation of his arriving behind schedule, before mentioning to him what is normal out of him. Allegorically, an educator is required to act like mother bear, connecting with the whelps, spurring and moving them to investigate the region inside and outside the cavern, demonstrating them the correct way, and whenever misdirected, carrying them to the correct track. The very utilization of the illustration of a mother while expressing the job of an instructor clarifies why an educator should consolidate the component of sustain, while showing her understudies. Her obligation isn't only limited to stamp the understudies pass or come up short, yet she ought to likewise make a move to help the fruitless feel roused to succeed, move the debilitated to feel capable, and sympathize with the issues of an understudy. An instructor who wants to sustain her understudies, do get a change the life of her understudies, improving them people, and increasingly confident and self-roused throughout everyday life. A supporting educator will expand her comprehension of the difficult circumstance h er understudies are experiencing, will evaluate their mental perspective, and in like manner serve them in a benevolent and undedicated manner. This sustaining disposition in an instructor centers around the requirements of people as opposed to foundations andcan free reasoning and learning, along these lines adding to the passionate prosperity of he understudies, particularly the test ones. Reference List: Amiruddin, M. H., Zainudin, F. L. (2015). The Effects of a Mastery Learning Strategy on Knowledge Acquisition Among Aboriginal Students: An Experimental Approach.International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research,1(2), 22-26. Weight, P. R., Byrd, D. M. (2015).Methods for powerful educating: Meeting the necessities all things considered. Pearson. Cheng, E. C. (2014). Learning study: supporting the instructional structure and showing competency of pre-administration teachers.Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education,42(1), 51-66. McDonald, T. (2013).Classroom administration: Engaging understudies in learning. Oxford University Press. Perso, T., Hayward, C. (2015).Teaching Indigenous understudies: Cultural mindfulness and study hall procedures for improving learning results. Allen Unwin. Value, K. (2015).Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander instruction: A presentation for the educating calling. Cambridge University Press. Tadesse, T., Gillies, R. M. (2015). Supporting helpful learning teaching methods in advanced education study halls: proof of instructional change and potential challenges.Current Issues in Education,18(2).

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Build Your Optimal SAT or ACT Timeline

Now that school is back in session, it’s time to consider how testing will figure into students’ busy academic and extracurricular schedules. In this post, I will outline Compass’ most popular timelines for preparation and official test administrations. A Note about Premature Prep and Testing Most testing-related activities, including consultations with our directors, practice testing, and tutoring do not occur before the summer between 10th and 11th grade. This is because students do not receive the full benefit of academic and emotional maturation until later in high school, which can have a significant impact on test scores. Consequently, Compass families orient themselves toward official test dates in 11th grade or fall of senior year and avoid preparation during freshman or sophomore year.    Regardless of where you are in your testing trajectory, this post will help you make essential decisions regarding the timing of prep and official test dates. Step 1: Decide SAT or ACT in Spring of 10th Grade Compass is invited to speak at nearly 200 elite high schools across the country about college admission testing. At a majority of these schools, we give presentations to audiences of 10th grade families in the late spring, April through June. This timing is poignant, because students have two data points that allow them to make the SAT or ACT decision: the results of an ACT practice test administered at school* and the results of the 10th grade PSAT. Using a concordance table of PSAT and ACT scores, students can see if their results favor one exam or the other. If their results demonstrate a strong preference toward one exam, students will focus on that exam in their forthcoming preparation. If the concordance shows that the PSAT and ACT results are equivalent, students can usually rely on their subjective appraisals of the exams (i.e. Which exam did I like better?) to pick a winner. *Note: If you or your student does not have the opportunity to take a mock ACT at school, we offer complimentary proctored practice tests in-person in California and online proctoring to students worldwide. Step 2:  Determine Where You Stand among Test-Takers Based on the results of the 10th grade PSAT and mock ACT, students can place themselves in one of three groupings. These groupings are represented visually below: The red grouping represents mid-scoring students with PSAT and ACT practice test results that are attained by 1 in 2 juniors on official test dates. Most students fall into this grouping and typically take official tests in both junior and senior year before hitting their personal bests. The blue grouping represents soft-scoring students with PSAT and ACT practice test results that are attained by 1 in 3 juniors on official test dates. These students tend to hit their testing peaks later in high school, often not until fall of senior year. The green grouping represents high-scoring students with PSAT and ACT practice test results that are attained by 1 in 6 juniors on official test dates. As we’ll explore in a moment, this group may be able to complete the testing gamut before the conclusion of junior year, often before their peers in the aforementioned groupings. If you or your student are unclear about which grouping you fall into or have more nuanced questions about your student’s current test results, please don’t hesitate to contact a Compass director.    Step 3:  Choose Your Optimal Testing Timeline Click one of the three timelines below that corresponds with your grouping: (RED) THE TRADITIONAL TESTING TIMELINE The Traditional Testing Timeline The most common timeline among Compass students is represented by the red grouping, also known as the traditional testing timeline. I have included a visual representation of what this pathway looks like from beginning to end, including potential preparation start dates and official SAT and ACT administrations: Pre-Preparation Activities Students in this grouping typically engage with a Compass director in the late spring of sophomore year after seeing one of our on-campus presentations. Although tutoring may not begin until the end of summer between 10th and 11th grade, families should build in a 1-month window for all the pre-preparation activities that lead to a successful program, including: thoroughly reviewing practice test results with a director, selecting the timing of a first and second official SAT or ACT, determining a student’s availability for tutoring in the summer and forthcoming school year, identifying the traits of an ideal tutor that match the learning profile of the student, etc. Once pre-preparation has concluded, students should have a firm grasp of their testing schedule and a sense of the duration and frequency of tutoring. Although the window of prep can be condensed or expanded based on a student’s availability, the bulk of tutoring begins about four months prior to the first targeted exam date. Summer Preparation Quite frequently, students in the traditional timeline like to get a â€Å"head start† on test prep in the summer before 11th grade. Without the burden of schoolwork and afterschool activities, many of these students meet with Compass tutors to polish their testing foundations: reviewing academic concepts central to the SAT or ACT, exploring the question types unique to these exams, and practicing test-taking strategies and pacing that will be cemented during future lessons. Late summer preparation in the traditional timeline is slow and piecemeal initially but gathers speed and regularity in the four months preceding the first targeted exam date. First Sitting SAT students in the traditional timeline will often take their first SAT in March of 11th grade. They will begin preparation in earnest in late October or early November, meeting with their tutors once or twice per week and taking 2-3 full-length SAT practice tests to gauge progress. If practice test results reveal a steady, significant improvement, students can confidently sit for the March SAT. If scores are not moving enough and more preparation and time are warranted, the first official sitting can be pushed to the May or June administrations. ACT students in the traditional timeline will often take their first ACT in February of 11th grade and will begin preparation in early October, meeting with their tutors once or twice per week and taking 2-3 full-length ACT practice tests to monitor progress. If practice tests indicate a meaningful increase in scores, students can confidently sit for the February ACT. If the needle isn’t moving enough and more tutoring is desired, the first official sitting can be tabled until the April, June, or July administrations. Second Sitting SAT students in this timeline typically complete a second official test in August between 11th and 12th grade. If practice results are deflated relative to students’ expectations, they may delay their second attempts until October of senior year. Most students in the traditional timeline round out their SAT testing portfolios by October, but occasionally there are some students who sit for a *November or December SAT. ACT students in this timeline typically complete a second official ACT in September of 12th grade. If practice test results are not up to snuff, students may postpone their second attempts until October of senior year. Most students in the traditional timeline finish their last ACT in October, but a minority of students may take a *December ACT. *In order to meet Early Action or Early Decision deadlines, students cannot take an official test after November of senior year. Occasionally there are exceptions, and some colleges will consider test scores from the December administrations of the SAT and ACT. (BLUE) THE DEFERRED TESTING TIMELINE The Deferred Testing Timeline The deferred testing timeline is represented by the blue grouping. Because 10th grade PSAT results and mock ACT scores are weaker among this group of students, most formal preparation and official test dates are postponed until a student has matured academically. I have included a visual representation of what this pathway looks like from beginning to end, including potential preparation start dates and official SAT and ACT administrations: Pre-Preparation Activities Students in this timeline typically engage with a Compass director in the late spring of sophomore year after seeing one of our on-campus presentations. Although prep for most students won’t start until the fall of 11th grade, families should set aside a 1-month window for all pre-preparation activities that lead to a successful program. These activities include a thorough review of practice test results with a director, selection of dates for a first and second official SAT or ACT, determination of students’ availability for tutoring in the forthcoming school year, and the identification of ideal tutors that match students’ learning profiles. Once pre-preparation has concluded, students should have a firm grasp of their testing schedule and a sense of the duration and frequency of eventual tutoring. Although the window of prep can be condensed or expanded to fit a student’s needs, most tutoring begins four months prior to the first targeted exam date in spring of 11th grade. Summer Preparation Quite frequently, students in the deferred timeline like to get a â€Å"head start† on test prep in the summer before 11th grade. Without the burden of schoolwork and afterschool activities, many of these students meet with Compass tutors to polish their testing foundations: reviewing academic concepts central to the SAT or ACT, exploring the question types unique to these exams, and practicing test-taking strategies and pacing that will be cemented during future lessons. This is especially useful for students who have gaps in math knowledge or weak reading comprehension skills.    Late summer preparation in the deferred timeline is slow and piecemeal initially but gathers speed and regularity in the four months preceding the first targeted exam date. First Sitting SAT students in the deferred timeline will often take their first SAT in May of 11th grade. They will begin preparation in earnest during Winter Break (December or January), meeting with their tutors once or twice per week and taking 2-3 full-length SAT practice tests to gauge progress. If practice test results reveal a steady, significant improvement, students can confidently sit for the May SAT. If scores are not moving enough and more preparation and time are warranted, the first official sitting can be pushed to the June SAT. ACT students in the deferred timeline will often take their first ACT in June of 11th grade and will begin preparation in January, meeting with their tutors once or twice per week and taking 2-3 full-length ACT practice tests to monitor progress. If practice tests indicate a meaningful increase in scores, students can confidently sit for the June ACT. If the needle isn’t moving enough and more tutoring is desired, the first official sitting can be tabled until July. Second Sitting SAT students in this timeline typically complete a second official test in August between 11th and 12th grade. If practice tests are deflated relative to students’ expectations, they may delay their second attempts until October or November of senior year. Most students in the deferred timeline round out their SAT testing portfolios by November, but occasionally there are some who sit for a *December SAT. ACT students in this timeline typically complete a second official ACT in September of 12th grade. If practice test results are not up to snuff, students may postpone their second attempts until October of senior year. Most students in the deferred testing timeline finish their last ACT in October, but a minority of students may take a *December ACT. *In order to meet Early Action or Early Decision deadlines, students cannot take an official test after November of senior year. Occasionally there are exceptions, and some colleges will consider test scores from the December administrations of the SAT and ACT.    (GREEN) THE EARLY TESTING TIMELINE The Early Testing Timeline The most common timeline among Compass’ highest scoring students especially National Merit Semifinalists is known as the early testing timeline. Because 10th grade PSAT results and mock ACT scores are exceptionally high, preparation begins long before 11th grade and may involve preparation for the PSAT in hopes of achieving National Merit. Students in this timeline aim to be done with all formal testing by spring of junior year. I have included a visual representation of what this timeline looks like from beginning to end, including potential preparation start dates and official SAT and ACT administrations: Pre-Preparation Activities Students in this group typically engage with a Compass director in the late spring of sophomore year after seeing one of our on-campus presentations. Their high test scores reveal a penchant for standardized testing and the opportunity to â€Å"run the testing gauntlet† before their peers in the traditional and deferred timelines. Consequently, serious preparation may begin as early as June between 10th and 11th grade. With the prospect of tutoring in the immediate future, families should contact a Compass director to accomplish all necessary pre-preparation, including: thoroughly reviewing practice test results with a director, selecting the timing of a first and second official SAT or ACT, determining a student’s availability for tutoring in the summer and forthcoming school year, and identifying the traits of an ideal tutor that match the learning profile of the student. Pre-preparation usually takes a month to complete. Once pre-preparation has concluded, students should have a firm grasp of their testing schedule and a sense of the duration and frequency of tutoring. Although the window of prep can be condensed or expanded to fit a student’s needs, the bulk of tutoring begins four months prior to the first targeted exam date. Summer Preparation Students in the early timeline are unique in comparison to typical and deferred students, because summer preparation is essential rather than optional. For one, many students in this group are hoping to become National Merit Semifinalists, achieving near-perfect scores on the 11th grade PSAT. This is no easy task, and often requires concentrated work with a tutor who can fine-tune the habits of high-scoring students. Simultaneously, the majority of early  students would like to post a competitive score on a full-length SAT or ACT in the fall, which will involve a healthy round of tutoring and multiple practice tests. First Sitting SAT students in the early timeline will often take their first SAT in November of 11th grade. They will begin preparation in earnest the summer months, meeting with their tutors once or twice per week and taking 2-3 full-length SAT practice tests to gauge progress. If practice test results reveal a steady, significant improvement, the student can confidently sit for the November SAT. If scores are not moving enough and more preparation and time are warranted, the first official sitting can be pushed to December. ACT students in the  early timeline will often take their first ACT in December of 11th grade and will begin preparation in the summer months, meeting with their tutors once or twice per week and taking 2-3 full-length ACT practice tests to monitor progress. If practice tests indicate a meaningful increase in scores, students can confidently sit for the December ACT. If the needle isn’t moving enough and more tutoring is desired, the first official sitting can be tabled until February. Second Sitting SAT students in this timeline typically complete a second test in March of 11th grade. If practice test results are deflated relative to students’ expectations, they may delay their second attempt until May or June. Most students in the early  timeline round out their SAT testing portfolios by October, but occasionally there are some who sit for a final SAT in August. ACT students in this timeline typically take a second  test  in April of 11th grade. If practice test results are not up to snuff, students may postpone their second attempt until June of 11th grade. Most students in the early timeline finish their last ACT in June, but occasionally there are a minority of students who take a July or September exam. Conclusion Although the timelines described in this post are incredibly popular among Compass families, by no means are they set in stone for all students. Apart from differences in the sequencing of test preparation and official test dates, all three timelines bear similarly helpful hallmarks: 1) a one-month pre-preparation window that allows for consultation with testing experts, discussion of students’ schedules, and the completion and review of practice testing; 2) a four-month preparation window leading to a first official SAT or ACT administration; 3) ample opportunities for re-testing in 11th and 12th grade; and 4) a general de-emphasis of premature prep or official test-taking that is not sensitive to each student’s initial performance on the 10th grade PSAT and/or practice ACT. Should you have any questions about building your own customized testing plan, please contact a Compass director for a complimentary consultation and proctored practice tests

Saturday, May 16, 2020

What Is Molecular Weight Chemistry Definition

Molecular weight is a measure of the sum of the atomic weight  values of the atoms in a molecule. Molecular weight is used in chemistry to determine stoichiometry in chemical reactions and equations. Molecular weight is commonly abbreviated by M.W. or MW. Molecular weight is either unitless or expressed in terms  of atomic mass units (amu) or Daltons (Da). Both atomic weight and molecular weight are defined relative to the mass of the isotope carbon-12, which is assigned a value of 12 amu. The reason the atomic weight of carbon is not precisely 12 is that it is a mixture of isotopes of carbon. Sample Molecular Weight Calculation The calculation for molecular weight is based on the molecular formula of a compound (i.e., not the simplest formula, which only includes the ratio of types of atoms and not the number). The number of each type of atom is multiplied by its atomic weight and then added to the weights of the other atoms. For example, the molecular formula of hexane is C6H14. The subscripts indicate the number of each type of atom, so there are 6 carbon atoms and 14 hydrogen atoms in each hexane molecule. The atomic weight of carbon and hydrogen may be found on a periodic table. Atomic weight of carbon: 12.01Atomic weight of hydrogen: 1.01 molecular weight (number of carbon atoms)(C atomic weight) (number of H atoms)(H atomic weight) so we calculate as follows: molecular weight (6 x 12.01) (14 x 1.01)molecular weight of hexane 72.06 14.14molecular weight of hexane 86.20 amu How Molecular Weight Is Determined Empirical data on the molecular weight of a compound depends on the size of the molecule in question. Mass spectrometry is commonly used to find the molecular mass of small to medium-sized molecules. The weight of larger molecules and macromolecules (e.g., DNA, proteins) is found using light scattering and viscosity. Specifically, the Zimm method of light scattering and the hydrodynamic methods dynamic light scattering (DLS), size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), diffusion-ordered nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (DOSY), and viscometry may be used. Molecular Weight and Isotopes Note, if you are working with specific isotopes of an atom, you should use the atomic weight of that isotope rather than the weighted average provided from the periodic table. For example, if instead of hydrogen, you are dealing only with the isotope deuterium, you use 2.00 rather than 1.01 for the atomic mass of the element. Ordinarily, the difference between the atomic weight of an element and the atomic weight of one specific isotope is relatively minor, but it can be important in certain calculations! Molecular Weight Versus Molecular Mass Molecular weight is often used interchangeably with molecular mass in chemistry, although technically there is a difference between the two.  Molecular mass is a measure of mass and molecular weight is a measure of force acting on the molecular mass. A more correct term for both molecular weight and molecular mass, as they are used in chemistry, would be relative molecular mass.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Anti Drug Abuse Act Of 1986 - 3027 Words

In 2010, the Obama Administration passed into law The Fair Sentencing Act, which directly targeted the harshly different punishments for people caught in possession of crack versus people caught in possession of cocaine and effectively overruled the punishments of each drug outlined in the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. Immediately, there was discussion regarding the purpose and effectiveness of this act versus the 1986 act. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, although it was eagerly pursued and supported by black communities, has ultimately been accused of being indirectly, or purposefully, discriminatory towards African Americans. This law established shockingly different punishments for users of crack versus users of cocaine. As is commonly known and has been proven statistically, African Americans are more likely to consume crack than cocaine and are more likely to consume crack than any other race would. For decades since the 1986 Act, those prosecuted for possession of crack cocaine were given harsher punishments than those who were caught with cocaine. Despite minimal differences between the effectiveness and formulation of either drug, crack cocaine was prosecuted at a 100:1 ratio to cocaine. Many questioned why the gap existed, but ultimately the reasoning lied with who was consuming either drug. Crack cocaine was popular in extremely urban areas, prone to house more minorities than suburban areas. Cocaine, however, was typically a more â€Å"elitist† drug consumed andShow MoreRelatedAnti Drug Abuse Act Of 19861591 Words   |  7 PagesOn June 17th 1971, President Richard Nixon stood in front of congress and announced his widely criticized War on Drugs. The President claimed that drugs were the â€Å"Public Enemy Number One† among Americans. Fast-forward to 1986, Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. This act placed mandatory minimum sentences on minor d rug infractions. The war on drugs not only incarcerated a very high number of Blacks, but also tore families apart in an effort to clean up neighborhoods which still affectRead MoreClassical Perspective And Mandatory Sentencing Act837 Words   |  4 PagesPerspective and Mandatory Sentencing Act The classical perspective founded by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham; stated that at people choose to commit crime after they considered the pros and cons that could be associated with a crime, and believed that the pros outweighed the cons (Tonry,2014). The theory relied on deterring criminal acts by assuring that the consequences of crime are absolute, harsh, and quickly administered (Tonry,2014). Mandatory Sentencing Act Today, more than 2 million AmericansRead MorePunishment Of A Crime And Criminal Justice System994 Words   |  4 Pagesbe able to come back into society fully understanding the moral codes and regulations placed to be a successful member of society. In American we seem to allow worse punishment to develop through time in order to put more fear into the culture to act accordingly or get punished. When sanctions are placed they show how that society runs and its moral understanding of those who break the law. Sanctions were created for punishment of a crime however they serve as a small place of protection againstRead MoreThe American War On Drugs1598 Words   |  7 Pages The American â€Å"War on Drugs† war created to keep an exorbitant amount of people behind bars, and in a subservient status. First, America has a storied history when it comes to marijuana use. However, within the last 50 years legislation pertaining to drug use and punishment has increased significantly. In the modern era, especially hard times have hit minority communities thanks to these drug laws. While being unfairly targeted by drug laws and law enforcement, minorities in America are havingRead MoreJim Crow Finds Its Roots In The Old Jingl e Mocking Black1373 Words   |  6 Pagesfor many crimes it had previously enacted minimums for in the 1950s. Could this be a change in the American attitude towards predominantly black drug offenders? Unfortunately not. In 1986, President Reagan signed into law the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. The act implemented a framework for reworking minimum mandatory sentences for drug trafficking and drug possession. Most notable, however, was the distinction between the use of cocaine and crack cocaine between different classes of people. The minimumRead More War on Drugs is War on Democracy Essay1286 Words   |  6 Pagessystem treating marijuana offenders worse than violent criminals. I doubt, however, that many Americans are truly conscious of how some peoples lives have been shattered because of current practices in the so-called drug war. Now, about 15 years since its beginning, the war on drugs has become a war on personal freedom and toes the line of authoritarianism. On the brink of the 21st century, this is not a good sign for preserving our future, nor that of democracy. In 1989, a small business ownerRead MoreNew Jim Crow Who Shined A Light On Mass Incarceration863 Words   |  4 Pagesis the War on Drugs was purposely started to mass incarcerate African Americans. With the new Drug War, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 was passed. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act punished crack cocaine a hundred times harder than powder cocaine. Crack and powder cocaine are the same drug, however different effects on the human body. According to the US Department of Justice, crake cocaine has a more psychological effect than powder, which leads to more people becoming addicted to the drug and heavier usageRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On The United States817 Words   |  4 PagesWar on Drugs had its official start during the Nixon administration when the president declared that drug abuse was now â€Å"public enemy number one.† Since then, over one trillion dollars have been spent on various programs to combat drug abuse. Ultimately, however, the War o n Drugs did not limit national daily drug use. Instead, the War on Drugs had a greater impact on the United States’ justice, education, and healthcare systems than it did to limit citizen drug use. The War on Drugs has hadRead MoreThe Legacy of Ronald Reagan1004 Words   |  5 PagesIran-Contra Affair, which will forever be tied to his name in a negative regard. Within America, Reagan was able to improve society such as his success in curbing the use of illegal drugs. Ronald Reagan is often times cited as the best president the United States has ever had, due to his relentless attacks on communism and illegal drug use in America, even with his involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair. Ronald Reagan was tremendously successful in his pursuit to end communism around the world, and toRead MoreThe Drug Of Drug Abuse1143 Words   |  5 PagesAmerica has been fighting drug abuse for over a century. Four Presidents have waged a â€Å"War on Drugs† and unfortunately, this war continues to be lost at an alarming magnitude. Drug abusers continue to fill our courts, hospitals, and prisons. The drug trade causes violent crime that ravages our neighborhoods. Children of drug abusers are neglected, abused, and even abandoned. The current methods of dealing with this issue are not working. Our society needs to implement new and effective laws and programs

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Global Standards IFRS Case Study

Questions: Question 1 On 9 September 2015 Michel Prada, Chairman, IFRS Foundation Trustee gave a speech entitled The Success criteria of global standards. This outlined 3 areas for the success criteria of global standards namely:- A clear and supported purpose Global standards must be widely used and applied consistently Global Standards must deliver benefits A copy of this speech is available on SunSpace VLE. Required In the conclusion he stated that In summary, evidence shows that all three criteria for global accounting standards are being met. Critically evaluate this conclusion. Question 2 By using the regulatory discussions and relevant international accounting standards (IASs) which are taught in the module APC311, you are required to provide a critical evaluation of the following area of financial reporting. Accounting for Noncurrent Assets looking at the specific area of depreciation Answers: Answer 1: Global Standards or standards for Financial Reporting or IFRS is a set or group of guidelines on how a firm presents and prepares its accounting information or the results of all its transactions and statements of its assets and liabilities. The history of the project of implementing the international financial reporting standards has its way back to 15 years when the project of establishing and implementing the international financial reporting standards was added to the agenda of IFRS. The foundation for IFRS was established to develop the set of standards which ensure preparation of globally accepted, understandable, accountable and highly standardized financial statements. (Barnier, , Hill, 2014) International financial reporting standards were developed with a clear purpose of bringing efficiency in the money markets all over the world through transparent financial reporting. The transparent accounting through these standards increases and develops trust among the stakeholders and brings stability in the worldwide economy. It enhances the sustained quality of the preceding standards by including accounting rules that the global stage on accounting accepts. This fosters trust among the stakeholders, economists, corporate by ensuring stability and growth in the world economy. The basic aim of the standards is to provide clear and true picture regarding the capital and money that the investors and other market participants provides to the market. Further, these standards has the purpose of ensuring the management accountability and providing information to the regulators so that they can strengthen the regularity and compliance in the global markets to build and create more tru st among the investors and can assure the compliance of various rules and regulations that the market is bound to comply. (Barnier, Hill, 2014) Further, international financial reporting standards help investors to analyze and study the market, thereby, creating opportunity to identify risks which prevails in the market which ensures and results in allocation of capital in an efficient manner. The implementation of standards that are accepted on the global platform by the stakeholders, authorities, investors helps in reducing the international reporting cost and breaking down the limits of the territorial markets and providing the privilege of investing and financing in a market which is global and limitless with vast opportunities of creating wealth and enhancing growth. International financial reporting standards provides direction for measuring the financial performance of the company and these standards are a reliable measure to make comparisons in the financial performance and due to the explicit feature of standard accounting across the globe, it also lowers the cost of capital. International financial reporting standards were developed with a view to bring the financial reporting on the global platform and to a large extent, the objective has been met. The international data shows that more than 80% of the countries have adopted IFRS and the adoption is not voluntarily, rather it is compulsorily. The remaining few are on the way to adopt these standards and furthermore, in some countries, companies with a perspective of being global have commenced their reporting on the basis of the international standards globally. If we come to examples, then Japanese Companies forming 20 per cent of the Japanese capital market have officially announced their plans to adopt international financial reporting standards. Further, India has compulsorily and legally applied usage of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) by all the listed companies from the year 2016. Ind-AS are locally developed accounting standards which are fully aligned with international financial reporting standards, thereby, replacing the previously used Accounting Standards (AS). In China, Chinese Companies forming 20 per cent of the Chinese capital market has officially announced their plans to adopt international financial reporting standards; the advantage of dual listing in the Hong Kong was one of the reasons behind this adoption. Further, United States is the largest overseers of the IFRS complied financial statements of a large number of foreign investors which are reported to United States Securities and Exchange Commission and U.S., since inception of the standards has been a supporter of Japanese Companies forming 20 per cent of the Japanese capital market have officially announced their plans to adopt international financial reporting standards implementation. Thus, the globe will pretty soon be completely shaded with the colour of IFRS compliant countries. (Barnier, Hill, 2014) Most of the reviewers during the whole process of transition to the implementation of global standards for financial reporting have a positive attitude towards the standards. The enhanced quality and greater consistency in financial reporting standards have been of benefits to both the companies and the investors. IFRS have always been helpful to the European investors and these standards provide encouragement to the remaining jurisdictions. The limitations that may arise in the implementation of international financial reporting standards are that the cost of transition to IFRS is huge and the benefits of the transition will not be seen immediately, rather, it will be seen at a later point as the harmonization and consistency of the standards will take time. Further, when it comes to application of international financial reporting standards to the small and medium entities, they will not be largely benefitted as these entities will be hit by large transitional cost and will need expert manpower to sustain the changes and the consistency in the reporting arising out of implementation of these standards. Further, it will be difficult for the companies to absorb the huge transitional cost. (Rafael, n.d.) The other issues involved are non-recognition of extraordinary loss or gain and the accounting of assets and liabilities on fair value basis. Adoption of IFRS will result in the monopoly of International Accounting Standards Board as the sole body of structuring and implementing accounting standards. Michel Prada was correct in concluding his speech concluding that the international financial reporting standards have met the criteria for adoption as global standards as: The worldwide demand of a set of standards that are global and common for all the countries for financial reporting have been fulfilled by implementation of global standards. The purpose of similar and a group of standards for international companies have been met and the desire of the reduced capital and reporting cost has been fulfilled. The clear and stated purpose of a market with efficient capital allocation and a common economic platform which could help in a more trustworthy environment of finance and a stable and growing money market with the ability of raising capitals cross border due to proper transparency and compliance fulfilled environment has been met. European market has seen tremendous growth with much increased number of foreign investors increasing the market base and capitalization. The initiative for commitment to convergence has made the existing standards compatible and the work is more coordinated and the financial information is aligned with the global standa rds. (Prada, 2015) International financial reporting standards are the guidelines that have gained tremendous success in a very short time. These standards have been adopted by a large proportion of companies. Many countries have seen the promising results in the interest of their industries, investors from the implementation of IFRS. All the international authorities and regulatory have already shifted to international financial reporting standards for promoting this standard platform of financial reporting. Countries have established mechanisms for adoption of international financial reporting standards either formally through national law or through legislative and regulatory authorities or through voluntarily or individual jurisdiction of the company. Some have introduced this convergence either as a compulsion or some have introduced the adoption over a transitional period. Review reports have showed that the compliance mechanisms should ensure that the financial statements should be in full compl iance with the standards. The countries which have not adopted the standards are responding the assertions and the variations that they come through the adoption of international financial reporting standards as single set of financial standards. The IFRS should be seen with hopes and intentions. As per the data of IFRS foundation, the companies which have adopted international financial reporting standards as their reporting standards contribute to the worlds gross development product to the extent of 56 per cent. (Prada, 2015) The benefits of adopting International Financial reporting standards have been seen by various developed economies of the world and the world as a whole, the adoption has improved the economic networks and the direct benefits, and the direct benefits that are accruing due to adoption are both in the form of economic and political value, the capital flows and the trade has become more globalized and flexible. It has become easy for market participants and the investors to understand analyze and study financial statements that are similar and standardized. The adoption of IFRS attracted huge amounts of cross border investments in various economies, ranging to the extent of $23.5 trillion. However, it has been seen that countries which are culture sensitive in trades are much likely to adopt global standards, like if the countries with which they trade usually, then the country is much keen to adopt these standards. Evidences shows that the adoption of international financial reporting standards has improved the citizen wealth, international harmonization in financial information and the governance policies and lowered the auditing cost. (Prada, 2015) Answer 2: Non current assets, often termed as long term assets are the assets which an organization expects to hold for a period exceeding one year and which is of economic benefits to the organization and which is not held for sale and which is not expected to be converted to cash within one year. The assets whose full value will not be realized in one accounting year are also termed as non current assets. However, non current assets are not exclusively defined; non current assets have been given a residual definition in International Accounting Standard 1: The presentation of financial statement. The explicit property which distinguishes any asset as current or non current is that any asset which is a part of a normal operating cycle would never be considered as non current asset even if such asset is held for a period of more than 12 months or period beyond the reporting period. Further, this classification of asset can take place on the basis of nature of usage and the nature of business, the owner of the asset carries on, for example, office furniture owned by automobile distributor is a non current asset while if similar furniture will be owned by a manufacturer of furniture, it will be classified as inventory. Non current assets are assets which are permanent in nature and which are expected to produce benefits for the organization. (Accounting Tools, n.d.) For the purpose of accounting, non current assets are basically classified into two parts, out of which one part is the accounting for property, plants and equipment which are expected to provide future benefits, which are a form of non current assets only and the second part is the accounting for non current assets held for sale or disposal. International Accounting Standard 16 itself defines the equipments, plants and properties that are held for production or future benefits and the benefits are expected to arise for more than one period. (Deloitte, n.d.) During the initial phase of a non current asset, the asset is accounted for and recorded at cost in the financial statement, where cost includes the purchase price of the asset, the directly attributable cost of the asset and the costs incurred to install the asset, to bring it into a condition where it can be put to use and all the taxes, duties which have been paid and which are non refundable in nature. Direct attributable costs are the costs which will not be incurred in case the asset is not brought into the existence. Some examples of such cost are installation cost, site preparation cost, delivery costs, set up costs and cost of any professional to be hired for running the asset. (Deloitte, n.d.) Subsequently, the non current asset may be evaluated and accounted for at the value obtained by using any of the two alternative approaches which are the cost approach or the revaluation approach. However IFRS 5, the assets which are held for disposal will not be depreciated and will not be accounted by any of the two alternative approaches mentioned above, i.e., the cost approach or the revaluation model. Further, such assets will be shown separately. Such assets will be accounted in the disposal group if the asset is available for sale and the organization is committed to sell the asset. All the classification, presentation, measurement stated in IFRS 5 also applies to non current assets. (Deloitte, n.d.) Any asset is depreciated over the life of the asset as per International Accounting Standard 16. Depreciation is the difference between the cost of any asset and the residual value of the asset, which is systematically allocated over the effective life of asset where effective life of the asset is the expected life of the asset over which an asset will produce economic benefits for the entity and the residual value is the estimated value which an asset is expected to recover if the asset is sold at the current point of time after deducting the cost of disposal of the asset. Depreciation is a non cash expenditure which symbolizes the economic consumption of the asset over its effective life. The method of depreciation should be such that ensures systematic allocation of consumption of economic benefits over the life of the assets. Para 62 of International Accounting Standard 16 provides a variety of method of depreciation. (Deloitte, n.d.) The assets which are to be depreciated are to be grouped under same classification, like roof, parking lots shall be grouped under building and engines, frames shall be grouped under aircraft. The assets which cannot be grouped significantly may be grouped together and depreciated together. The depreciation method can be selected on the basis of the pattern in which the economic benefits will flow to the entity. The method of depreciation may be the straight line method, reducing balance method and the usage method. In the straight line method of depreciation, the asset is expected to produce uniform benefit throughout the life of the asset. The amount of depreciation under this method is calculated by dividing the difference between cost of asset and the residual life of asset by the effective life of the asset. Reducing balance methods is somewhat similar to the life cycle of the product where the benefits arising from a product shrink as the time passes; similarly, under reducing balance method, the depreciation claim is higher in initial years and it lowers as the time passes. This method of depreciation is applied by using a percentage rate which is applied to the cost of the asset to work out the amount of depreciation. The usage method of depreciation uses the units of output to determine the claim of depreciation to be accounted for. (Deloitte, n.d.) Non Current Assets Accounting: The accounting for non current assets as per the global standards is under the scope of the following reporting standards: IFRS 5 governs the assets held for disposal and discontinuing operations which defines the non current asset and provides accounting for the assets which are available for sale. (Deloitte, n.d.) International Accounting Standard 16 covers property, plant and equipment within its purview which states that these assets are also non current asset and provides for the accounting of any asset both initially and subsequently and depreciation charge on such assets. (Deloitte, n.d.) International Accounting Standard 23 covers borrowing cost and states that the cost of borrowing for financing any asset will be covered in the cost of that asset. International Accounting Standard 36 regarding impairment of assets which provides for impairment of value of any asset which is held for disposal or where the going concern assumption is violated, i.e., the value of the asset is reduced to the recoverable amount. (Deloitte, n.d.) International Accounting Standard 20 for Government Grants which provides for reducing the carrying amount or the book value of any asset if any grant by government or any other organization is received against such asset. (Deloitte, n.d.) Recognition and measurement: Any item shall be recognised as non current asset if such item is expected to provide economic benefits to the entity for a period more than one accounting period and the risks and rewards from the assets are expected to arise only to the entity and such asset is owned by the entity. (Deloitte, n.d.) Initial Recognition and Measurement of Non Current Asset: Cost of Purchase xxx Add: Direct attributable Cost (Installation Cost Site Preparation Cost, and Professional Fees) xxx Add: Cost of restoring the site xxx Less: Government Grant/ Subsidy xxx Cost of Asset xxx The Asset will be initially recognised at the cost arrived as above. Subsequent Recognition and Measurement: Once the asset has been recognised, then the asset will be recognised at the carrying value, i.e., the value at which the asset has been initially recognised deducted by the incidental impairment and depreciation calculated by any of the following suitable method selected by the entity: Straight Line Method: Depreciation = Cost of Asset Residual Value Life of Asset Reducing Balance Method: Depreciation = Value of Asset or Value of Group * Rate of Depreciation Usage Method: Depreciation: Value of Asset * Number of Units produced by the asset Total number of units asset is expected to produce Further, if the revaluation method is opted for subsequent recognition of the asset, then the recognition of the asset should be at the fair value, if the fair value can be reliably estimated and the revaluation gain should be credited to equity and the revaluation loss shall be recognized as an expense. (Silivia, n.d.) De-recognition of the Asset: The assets are de-recognised when the assets are expected to provide no economic benefits to the entity and the asset is disposed off. The gain or loss thereby arising is recorded in the income statement. (Silivia, n.d.) Disclosures: International Accounting Standard 16 provides for the following disclosures (Silivia, n.d.): The basis on which the carrying amount is measured Depreciation method Expected life of the asset Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Loss, if any Reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period. References: Prada, M, September, 2015, Introductory remarks: The success criteria of global standards, Viewed on 10/01/2016, Prada, M, September, 2015, successful criteria of global standards, Viewed on 10/01/2016, Barnier, MM, Hill, LJ, October, 2014, IFRS, Viewed on 10/01/2016, Rafael, C, n.d., Challenges of IFRS Adoption Amongst SMEs, Viewed on 10/01/2016, Accounting Tools, n.d., Non Current Assets,Viewed on 11/01/2016, Deloitte, n.d., IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, Viewed on 11/01/2019, Deloitte, n.d., IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, Viewed on 11/01/2016, Deloitte, n.d., IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance, Viewed on 11/01/2016, Deloitte, n.d., IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, Viewed on 11/01/2016, Silivia, M, n.d., IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, Viewed on 11/01/2016,

Friday, April 17, 2020

Intern report free essay sample

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CB) is the premier investigating police agency in India, and is an elite force which plays a major role in the preservation of values in public life and ensuring the health of national economy. It is a governmental agency under Government of India It was only after the SC decided to monitor its the CB moved faster and arrests of high-profile persons were made. GAG who audits all receipts and expenditure of the Government of India and the state governments, including those of bodies and authorities substantially financed by the overspent.The GAG is also the external auditor of government-owned companies,.. A GAG report on issue of Licenses and Allocation of 26 Spectrum resulted in a huge controversy. The report estimated that there was a presumptive loss of 1,766. 45 billion (US$30 In a chariest filed on 2 April 2011 by the investigating agency Central Bureau of Investigation (CB), the agency pegged the loss at 309,845. We will write a custom essay sample on Intern report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 5 million (US$5. It has the status of an autonomous body, free of control from any executive authority, harmed with monitoring all vigilance activity under the Central Government of India, and advising various authorities in central Government organizations In planning, executing, reviewing and reforming their vigilance work.

Friday, March 13, 2020

protective features of the constitution essays

protective features of the constitution essays The United States democratic system includes certain features that are intended to protect against the abuse of the power by the government and public officials. Some protective features include: judicial review, impeachment process, freedom of expression, protection against unreasonable searches, equal protection under the law, and the rights of the accused. One important protective feature is judicial review. Judicial review is the power of the courts to review laws and determine whether or not they are unconstitutional. The Judiciary Act of 1789 stated that all citizens of the United States are separate but equal, referring to segregation. Blacks were supposed to be treated equally and fairly, without discrimination just as whites were, but they were to have separate facilities, schools, etc. In the case of Marbury v. Madison, on John Quincy Adams last night in office, he appointed 82 new Federalist Justices. These "midnight judges" as they were called represented a threat to incoming President Thomas Jerreson, a Democrat-Republican. Jefferson feared Federalist interpretation of the law for the next 20 years, a fear that ended up coming to fruition. Among these midnight judges was one William Marbury. Jefferson ordered his Secretary of State, John Madison, not to deliver the official documents granting Marbury his position. Bec ause of the Judiciary Act of 1801, Marbury appealed directly to the Supreme Court asking for a "writ of mandamus" or an order to act. Chief Justice John Mashall recognized he would be correct in ordering Madison to deliver the papers but feared weakening the image of the Court if President Jefferson refused to comply. Instead Marshall ruled that the Judiciary Act of 1801, which Marbury had used to submit his claim directly to the Court wa s unconstitional, and it was. In this way the Court was able to rule a law unconstitutional and therefore created the important precedent...

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

CHANGE MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

CHANGE MANAGEMENT - Essay Example The organisation is undergoing change in the management structure in order to acquire better efficiency. The organisation was unable to reach the target population and was also incapable of reaching the desired target. Thus, a change has been proposed which can help to make significant differences in operational system. The objective of the essay is to describe the change procedure of Children and Young People Service by using different change management models and theories. Description of Change Process The change process of Children and Young People Service has occurred through three phases. The first phase involves understanding the reasons for restructuring in the organisation. In this phase, a proposal has been made and justification for change has been developed. In the second phase, management team has been developed and change management models have been selected. The management team evaluated the present operational structure and established new operational structure on the basis of proposed objectives. ... While changes occur to individuals’ jobs, and at times they disagree with the change, alteration is internal in nature and it occurs in the mind of individuals during the change process. Thus, it helps to deal with the sentiments of individuals throughout the change process (Bridges & Mitchell, 2012). A weakness of the model is that it cannot be considered as a substitute for other approaches for change management. Moreover, the model cannot be regarded as an independent model for change management (Bridges & Mitchell, 2012). Strengths and Weakness of ADKAR Model The key strength of this model is that it delivers valuable management specifications which directly deal with people related aspects of change. Besides, this model permits for concentrating on those functions which are useful for accomplishing the desired outcome (Hiatt, 2006). However, one significant weakness of this model is that it fails to differentiate between the roles of leadership and management; it simply i gnores the requirement of leadership and concentrates on managing the change (Hiatt, 2006). Identification and Description of Models used in Change Management ADKAR Model of Change in Planning In the change management of Children and Young People Service, it can be recognised that ADKAR model of change has been followed within the planning process. ADKAR model states that in order to plan any kind of change, at first, there is a need for generating the desire for change among the members of organisation. Without proper desire the organisational members will be unable to participate in the change process and the change will become a failure. Awareness

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Social Media Recovery for Costa Crociere Term Paper

Social Media Recovery for Costa Crociere - Term Paper Example Costa Crociere SpA generally operates their business trading functions as Costa Cruises. The initial foundation of the company was in the year 1854. It has its headquarters located in Genoa, Italy. The company performs its business operations throughout the world that include Northern Europe, Caribbean, South America and Dubai among other regions (Costa Crociere SpA, 2012). As a matter of fact, in the year 2010, Costa Crociere SpA proved itself as one of the companies that successfully reached up to the benchmark of Italian services and tourism especially for its reputation and reliability in the international research that is popularly known as â€Å"Global Reputation Pulse†. Furthermore, in the year 2011, Costa Crociere SpA emerged in the ranking of Mediobanca that carried out assessment of 3,700 Italian enterprises which ultimately made the company to reach a turnover of approximately 50 million Euros during that year. In this connection, the company or the group was ranked amid the top 10 companies in terms of profitability and productivity and also in terms of turnover (Costa Crociere SpA, 2012). Costa Cruise has been accredited with an incorporated arrangement of voluntary certification of conformity along with highest international benchmark towards the aspect of safety, quality, environment and social accountability. Costa Crociere is fundamentally denoted as an international company holding its several offices in different regions such as Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Zurich, Brussels and Lisbon among others. The company employs more than 19,000 working people throughout its organisation and is organised into a flexible arrangement of various human resource functions (Costa Crociere SpA, 2012). The prime vision of Costa Crociere is to serve better as well as with enhanced services to their worldwide customers with special regards to behaviour. The aspect of consumer satisfaction is the principal motive and also the mission of Costa Crociere. In terms of business operations, since the year 1997, especially Air France and Costa Cruises are the partners, sharing the similar visi on or objective of delivering superior and enhanced services to their worldwide guests or customers along with maximising customer satisfaction (Costa Crociere SpA, 2012). In this connection, one of the partners of Costa Crociere i.e. Air France is an airline which operates in an international network and also performs its business operations in 182 cities in 98 countries. Air France offers more than 1,700 flights which generally covers numerous destinations throughout the world. The hub of Air France is recognised as one of the most efficient hubs in the entire Europe. Along with Costa Crociere, the main priority of Air France is to ensure ultimate customer satisfaction (Costa Crociere SpA, 2012). In the paper, a detailed analysis regarding the accident that Costa Crociere had faced along with certain weaknesses as well as threats that they faced due to the accident will be depicted. Various aspects that include preparation of a social marketing plan on behalf of Costa Crociere in terms of strategy, tactics, action, implementation and control will also be portrayed in the discussion. A Brief Situation Analysis of Costa Crociere

Thursday, January 30, 2020

How is Cleopatras infinite variety reflected Essay Example for Free

How is Cleopatras infinite variety reflected Essay How is Cleopatras infinite variety reflected in the language that she uses? In your answer you should include detailed reference to at least 2 passages from the play. Throughout the play many sides of Cleopatra are shown, this suggests she is constantly masking her true feelings, this ability shows her as a good queen of Egypt, but also a stubborn, yet scared person. The first passage I will refer to is Act I, Scene 1, where Antony and Cleopatra are happy and flirtatious. Here Cleopatra is portrayed as a flirtatious and dominant character, almost like a femme fatale with her use of language suggesting this via words and statements such as If it be love indeed, tell me how much, Hear the ambassadors, these two statements are direct and dominant, she tells Antony to do these things rather than asking him. Also, the way she talks about love in this manner shows her as independent and strong. In this scene she also teases and manipulates Antony with her talk of Fulvia, his wife, and Caesars hold over him, this is encouraging him to write them off and declare his loyalty to her, as he seems to be doing with his statement Let Rome in Tiber melt, and the wide arch of the rangd Empire fall: here is my space. Although this scene shows Antony and Cleopatras love, it also shows Cleopatras strong will and manipulation skills, as can be seen on many occasions throughout the play. Another side to Cleopatra is seen in Act III, Scene 11, where she has abandoned Antony at sea, and is now apologizing to him. In this scene, I feel her true feelings start to show through, especially through her language used; Oh lord, my lord, forgive my fearful sails here she is calling Antony lord, so talking of him highly, yet putting herself down by insinuating her and her navy are fearful, so basically, weak. Her reference to Antony as My lord the second time round is significant as it shows her fear of losing him because of her actions. Overall, Cleopatra does not say much in this scene, showing her shame and sorrow at the situation she is in. When she does speak she is very apologetic and says very little, especially in comparison to Antonys long speeches. Her final words in this scene say it all; Pardon, pardon. In these two scenes Cleopatras variety of personalities are shown through these two polar facades, in one she speaks a lot, is dominant, demanding and manipulative, in the other, she says very little, is apologetic almost to the stage of begging, and speaks to Antony with respect. This seeming role reversal between Antony and Cleopatra is seen a number of times throughout the play, in accordance with the events occurring in the plot. Another variety of Cleopatra is shown in Act III, Scene13, where she is deliberately masking her true thoughts and feelings in order to fool Caesars man Thidias. She is playing her cards very close to her chest by flattering Caesar and his men, asking questions about him rather than talking about herself and talking of the past rather than the present; Say to great CaesarI kiss his conquering hand: tell him I am prompt to lay my crown at his feet this shows her sweet-talking Caesars messenger and also shows her signaling to him that she will go along with Caesars words. Cleopatra asks for the messengers name, this is a change from her usual abrupt way with messengers, showing her flattery to make him think that she cares what him name is and also stalls the conversation to give her time to think. She talks of the past by bringing up Caesars father, whom she was with before Antony. She talks of him fondly, suggesting she still cares for Caesars father, and in turn, Caesar and Rome also. In two of these three scenes Cleopatra is able to mask her feelings completely, with her use of language being sophisticated enough to manipulate two powerful men. In all three scenes she is seen in a different light, almost like it were three different characters. Shakespeare keeps the audience intrigued by these changes, and shows Antony and Cleopatras relationship advancing, and also different characters roles and personalities, through Cleopatra and the other characters language. Cleopatras language is very clever, showing a surface meaning that could be completely different when looked at on a deeper level, this close textual analysis allows me to see what her true feelings were, in comparison to these masked emotions that are portrayed to the other characters. This could be Shakespeares way of pre-empting the tragic end and other major events in the play.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The History of Alcatraz Essay -- American America History

The History of Alcatraz INTRODUCTION Alcatraz is an island that is 22 acres and according to geologists it is a drowned mountain peak and is made up of mostly rock and dirt. The island itself is a part of a cluster of islands that are in the San Francisco Bay area. The island's name came from a Spanish explorer, Lt. Juan Manual de Ayala, and the ship's pilot, Jose de Canizarer, on August 12, 1775. He called it La Isla de los Alcatraces, in English is Island of the Pelicans. Alcatraz is just the singular form of Alcatraces. The owners of the island have changed three times in its history. First Spain owned it until 1822, then Mexico won its independence and claimed ownership and finally in 1846 Mexico/California went to war and it then became the property of the United States. On the day of November 6, 1850, President Millard Filmore agreed to make Alcatraz official government property. It was to be turned into a fortification to protect the city from hostile vessels and the reason for putting it there was because it was on an island in the middle of the bay- very strategic. There would be two batteries on both ends of the island along with a two-story brick wall that would enclose all of it. Inside there would be soldiers' barracks, guard houses, powder magazines, and warehouses that would be the backbone of Alcatraz. The official day of opening of Alcatraz was in December of 1859 and it had two purposes, one of fortification and another of a prison. The prison was there for military members that committed various crimes. The prison had about 15 - 50 prisoners there, but they were not all military, some were local citizens and politicians who committed crimes of varying degrees. The idea of having a prison on an is... ...aying that any land that was in surplus would be theirs. Then the City of San Francisco wanted the island so they could destroy what was one their and start commercial development. However, that did not happen because there were to many protestors about saving Alcatraz. Then there was of period of 4 or 5 years of many proposals about what to do but in 1972 it was decided to turn it into the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Alcatraz was now open to the public and today you can go down and get on a tour to see where some of the U.S. most famous criminals stayed. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Alcatraz." The World Book Encyclopedia. 94 ed. 1994. "Alcatraz." Encyclopedia Britannica. 15th edition. 1985.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

An Evaluation of Pip, and His Great Expectations Essay

In the year 1860, author Charles Dicken’s began his thirteenth novel, Great Expectations. The work is a coming-of-age novel, which tells the life story of an orphan boy named Pip, who much like Dickens’ in his earlier years is unhappy with his current life. A number of Charles Dickens’ personal life events are mirrored in the novel, leaving Great Expectations to be one of his most autobiographical works. Young Pip, the protagonist of the novel is stuck living in the marsh country, he is working a job that he hates, and considers himself to be too good for his current surroundings, much like Dickens’ did when he was younger. While working on Great Expectations, Dickens’ made weekly installments to the novel, leading it to be one of his most well structured works. Great Expectations is a novel which develops a number of different themes as the story progresses, with the primary theme being personal growth and ambition. The story tells us that morals s uch as affection, loyalty and conscience are much more important in reality than social-class, social advancement, and wealth. The protagonist, Pip, is destined to learn this lesson through his ‘great expectations’, as he explores different ideas of ambition and self-improvement. Great Expectations is a convincing tale told in the perspective of an orphan named Pip, who tells his realistic life story from the very beginning of his ‘great expectations’, which all began one evening when he had a strange encounter with an escaped convict in a cemetery, while he was looking at the tombstones of his parents. This mysterious stranger ordered young Pip to bring him food and a file to break loose the shackle on his leg. If Pip does not comply, the strangers promises to murder him. After bringing the convict food and an iron the next day, Pip finds out that the convict has been arrested, and the mysterious criminal has protected Pip by telling the authorities that he stole the food himself. Some time after this event took place, a lawyer by the name of Jaggers appears in the marsh country that Pip lives in, and he comes with strange news: a strange benefactor has given young Pip a large fortune, and Pip must leave his life of being a blacksmith at the for ge behind in order to go to London with Jaggers and become a gentleman, and get his education. During his time in London, Pip discovers many truths about his life, the mysterious benefactor, and his past. A man from the country marsh named Orlick who is the polar-opposite of Pip reappears in his life, and is dead set on ruining it, as well as hopefully killing him. The reader is kept guessing what will happen with Orlick and Pip as the story progresses, as well as who Pip’s mysterious benefactor is. Dickens’ managed to make Great Expectations and interesting read, but a rather dull journey lacking any sort of excitement. Instead of having any sort of surprise throughout Great Expectations, the author simply gives answers to questions asked and created throughout the story, none in which intrigue the readers. The end holds no real surprise, and the novel ultimately ends up being just a message to the readers, saying that money and living in a good social class is not important in comparison to family, friends, and happiness. There are a number of events throughout that story that are irrelevant to everything, such as Pip and his friend Herbert end up being in debt. The debt has absolutely no negative or positive effect on the story, but is only a bit of filler throughout one of the chapters. The main character of Great Expectations, Pip, is the most guilt-ridden character in the novel, he has no prejudice. His most noticeable and crucial characteristics are his naturally good conscience, and his immature glory of romance. Pip eventually faces an internal conflict once he better understands the reality behind poverty and immorality, he decides that he wants to achieve as much as possible. Because of this, Pip puts his life at the marsh country behind him, he abandons the people who care for him the most, and goes to London where he becomes a gentleman. In London, Pip views his past actions very negatively, and very seldom does he ever give himself credit for good deeds he has done in the past. As a gentleman, Pip starts to act as he always imagined a gentleman would, this adds to him treating his family poorly. Many of the characters throughout the story do not seem to be very realistic, it is almost as if they were meant to come across as being quite fictional. Estella is an unrealistically ‘cold’ character, who has zero feelings for anybody or any living thing. She has absolutely no ability to express emotions to the extent that it seems completely unreal.Despite this, Estella almost does come across as being quite sympathetic for her being the way she is. She warns Pip regularly that she has â€Å"no heart†, and strongly urges him to love somebody else, for she is not good for his wellbeing and happiness. At the end of the novel, however, Estella finally begins to feel like as though she is out of Miss Havisham’s control, and is finally her own person, as she tells Pip, â€Å"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching. . . I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.† Miss Havisham is the most unrealistic character in Great Expectations, she lives in a rotted mansion, and has not removed her wedding dress in over ten years. Miss Havisham has stopped every clock i n her mansion at twenty minutes to nine, and refuses to ever know what time it is, whether it be day or night. Great Expectations takes place in the 19th century, the main character, Pip, is born in England in the 1800’s and is telling his story in the year 1860. The novel is set around the life of Pip, who is on a mission to meet his â€Å"great expectations†, whatever those may be, and to become a gentleman. His life story takes place both in the southeast marsh country of England, and eventually in London, England, where Pip lives as a gentleman. Great Expectations takes place during a very busy time for England, with the Industrial Revolution occurring, as well as the voidance of slavery in the British colonies during 1834. To the people, London is considered to be a prospering capital, and England is a powerful giant on the globe. However, the way Dickens’ depicts is quite the opposite of that. Pip’s hometown Kent, which resides near the marshlands is twenty miles away from the ocean, and the townsfolk can see the Thames River flow through it. Off in the distance of the marshland and ocean is where the convict ships dock, causing many criminals to lurk about the area. The setting is important because of the time period the story takes place, the economy is thriving and there is plenty of opportunity for money. The mood throughout the story feels rather empty, there is never much tension, never much pain, and never much happiness throughout Great Expectations. There are times throughout the novel when some places Pip travels to bring the mood to different levels, for example, Miss Havisham’s rotting mansion sets a darker mood on the tale, but shortly after when Pip is back in London, the story is back to the usual calm mood of Great Expectations. The story often goes through mood swings because of this. When certain characters come into the picture, they do hav e a slight effect on the atmosphere, though the atmosphere of the novel is usually made clear through Pip’s thoughts, as well as his actions. The year is 1860, Charles Dickens’ has just begun his thirteenth novel, the irritating tale of a young man named Pip, who has come across a large fortune of money, and decides to selfishly leave his family and loved ones behind in order to go to London, and be rich. As the novel progresses, Pip develops as a human being and learns many things, as well as beats himself up for his past. Throughout the ride, Pip comes across a great deal of many different people,such as a heartbroken old timer who grieves every day in her own self pity, a stone cold young lady who holds no love for any living thing, a criminal who has a strong sense of high values, and a lawyer who takes Pip under his wing to becoming a gentleman. Each character is unique in their own way, yet each continue to be uninteresting throughout the novel. Dickens’ not only presented the readers with a number of dull characters, but gave his audience a boring tale which ultimately holds no sort of significance in the end. While the novel is generally quite uninteresting, the setting of the novel is rather exciting as it takes place during the Industrial Revolution of England, however this is hardly noted in the novel, therefore putting readers in front of a rather empty, â€Å"too much like home† world, where the men work hard and the women stay at inside all day, the rich are greedy and the poor are struggling. Charles Dickens had a great idea with Great Expectations, but focused too much on other things as well throughout the story which ultimately helped lead it to become uninteresting and irritating to get through, at times there was too much going on in the novel, while at other times unnecessary events were taking place, which did not progress the story in any way whatsoever. Though the theme of Great Expectations exists, the end gives readers more of a relief that the book is finished, rather than leaving them in an intrigued state which Dickens seemed to have originally intended.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Fall Of The Roman Empire - 1404 Words

The Fall of Rome The Fall of the Roman Empire, one of the greatest empires that human civilization has ever encountered, is viciously debated today among scholars all over the world. No one theory is the absolute truth as there are many fatal factors and mistakes that forged the collapse of this supreme civilization. Problems ranging from political instability, to different economic predicaments, to barbaric invasions, to imperialistic ideologies, the empire just became too complex for its own good and ultimately planted the seeds for its own ruin. However, after reaching its pinnacle in 120 A.D, the constant expansion of territory held the most weight when bringing the empire to its knees. The height of the Roman Empire in the first and second centuries was known as the pax Romana. Although it only lasted for a short while, during this period, the empire stretched a glorious 2.2 million square miles from England to modern day Iraq. From here spurred the imperial age of Rome. They be gan to expand so far east that they eventually came into contact with China. They had conquered so much land and controlled so many trade routes that the republic in Rome realistically could not govern it all. Messages could not be relayed quick enough to communicate between distant cities like Tarsus and Trapezus and the capital. Other holdings like Britain were too far away and could not recruit enough soldiers to defend the borders. Forces in Britain had to resort to building a 73 mile longShow MoreRelatedFall of the Roman Empire1288 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pax Romana was a two hundred year time period where the Romans had peace and prosperity under Augustus. The Roman empire started to decline at the end of the prevail of the last five emperors, Marcus Aurelius in 161-180 A.D. The rulers in the next century had no idea how to deal with the problems the empire was having. There was many reasons to the fall of the Roman Empire but three stood out the most. The preliminary reason was the economy begins to decline. The alternative reasoning was RomeRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1537 Words   |  7 PagesAncient Rome was an empire so dominant, wealthy and economically- stable which came to a dramatic fall in the period of 250AD- 500AD. Ancient Rome faced unexplained unfortunate events which crumbled the Great Empire from the affluent empire to a impoverished society. For centuries historians have timelessly theorised and analysed many debates and research in relation to the Fall of the Roman Empire. What really caused the predominate Roman Empire to fall? Did Rome fall naturally? Was disease, suchRead MoreFall of the Roman Empire758 Words   |  4 PagesTaylor Davino Professor Horsley HIS 126 3 March 2010 The fall of the Roman Empire Political, economic and social aspects were all involved in the fall of the Roman Empire. In 395 A.D., Rome was divided into two empires, with one capital in Rome and the other in Constantinople. During that time, the western Roman Empire was being invaded by barbarian tribes from the North. In 410, the Visigoth tribe succeeded in conquering the western capital in Rome. In 476, the western EmperorRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1419 Words   |  6 PagesThe Roman Empire was a powerful governing body of extensive political and social structures throughout western civilization. How did this empire fall and were internal factories responsible? Slow occurrences in succession to one another led to the fall of the empire rather than one single event. The fall of the Roman Empire was a combination of both internal and external pressures, not just one, leading up to the complete decay of the cities—Rome and Constantinople. However, one could argue how oneRead MoreThe Fall Of Ro man Empire1185 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fall of Roman Empire Roman Empire was considered as one of the most influential and dominant Empire in the history that has ever existed. â€Å"The Roman Empire at its zenith in the period of the Principate (roughly, 27 BC to AD 235) covered vast tracts of three continents, Europe, Africa, and Asia† (Garnsey). It was an ancient, modern Empire, and it supported anyone who made discoveries and technological improvements. The Empire was the strongest governing body in the Mediterranean. If the RomanRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1440 Words   |  6 PagesSophie Loren Plays a Leading Role in the Fall of the Roman Empire? The reason for the fall of the Roman Empire is a controversial topic under much historical debate. How did such a great empire, known for being one of the largest that lasted over a millennium, fall? The Roman Empire transitioned from a republic to an empire in 31 BCE. Augustus Caesar was the first emperor. He created harmony in Rome, but not in calendars as he added August as the eighth month to follow July, which was named afterRead MoreFall of Roman Empire1175 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fall of the Roman Empire The Ancient Roman empire was one of the most prominent and successful societies of its time period. By the end of their reign, the Romans had conquered almost all of the Mediterranean including parts of present day Europe, Asia, and Africa. Rome was at its strongest during the rule of Augustus Caesar, this time was known as the â€Å"Pax Romana† or Roman peace. It wasn’t until later, when Emperor Trajan took over in about 98 C.E. that the Empire reached its peak. AfterRead MoreThe Fall of the Roman Empire609 Words   |  3 PagesThe Fall of the Roman Empire There are adherents to single factors, but more people think Rome fell because of a combination of such factors as Christianity, and economy, and military problems. Even the rise of Islam is proposed as the reason for Romes fall, by some who think the Fall of Rome happened at Constantinople in the 15th Century. Most people think it occurred during the fifth century, after the western division of the empire. There were several reasons for the fall of the Roman EmpireRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1438 Words   |  6 PagesThe Roman Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the history of mankind. In 476 CE Odoacer defeated Romulus Augustus to capture Rome; most historians agree that this was the official end of the Western Roman Empire. There is much debate on how exactly Rome declined and eventually fell. The fall of Rome was a long process that took place over many centuries. There are five main schools of thought on why Rome fell. First, Christianity, offered by Edward Gibbons; He suggests that ChristianityRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1495 Words   |  6 PagesFor a long period of time, the debate about the cause of the fall of the Roman Empire has been a popular topic amongst historians. Most of these historians look at the issue from a standpoint that accepts that there were most likely several causes. The main root of the issue is whether or not these causes were internal or external. Some historians even go more in depth and try to hypothesize what the internal or external causes were. In fact, Adrian Goldsworthy and Peter Heather do just this when